Friday, May 29, 2009

Celebrities I'd really like to punch. In the face.

So facebook has this application where you can pick 5 people you want to punch in the face. This is fun. Ridiculously fun! Mean? Sure. But that's the world we live in. Unfortunately, as fun as this application is, it simply isn't satisfying. Firstly, you can only pick FIVE. FIVE. I can think of a hundred I want to punch. Also, it doesn't allow you to justify yourself. So I have simply moved the idea to this forum. Because, well, I can say whatever I want. Haha. Take that, facebook.

In NO particular order, I would like to punch the following people in the face. I will stop only when I get tired of typing. It may be continued another day. Or many other days, depending on the tide of Hollywood.

Miley Cyrus. She's just plain annoying. She has such an ego and no talent. It's really quite sad that she thinks she's special and the only people who actually think so are brainless tweens. Ugh.

Amanda Bynes. I've always hated her. There's something about her lack of facial depth and gravelly voice that just irks me.

Tori Spelling. Was she ever cool? I mean ever? I know I'm too young for Melrose and all, but really. I'm over her. And I also think a punch could only help her face...

Anne Hathaway. Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE Anne. She's great. But her decision to do Bride Wars was so dumb, it deserves a punch in the face.

Rush Limbaugh. 'Nuff said.

Paris Hilton. 'Nuff said.

Perez Hilton. Why the fuck is this guy famous? He's not funny. Or clever. And I think his reaction to Carrie Prejean was incredibly hypocritical. Do I agree with her? HELL no. Do I think she has a right to her opinion? HELL yes. I hope no one condemns my beliefs and the way I live. And no one should condemn hers. She didn't say she was against gay marriage because faggots deserve to rot in hell. That's what people say to ME every day as I canvass for the HRC. She presented her views in a respectful, albeit terribly worded, way.

The Olson Twins. EAT SOMETHING! I would punch them in the face so they'd go to the hospital and be fed 6000 calories a day via IV. hehehe.

Cassie Wilson. OMG. My new favorite girl to hate.

Mandy Patinkin. He did NOT stop for gay rights the other day on the street. I was upset.

Alec Baldwin. There's just too much of him on tv these days and I'm sorry but I'm totally over the underacting-while-smiling-with-my-eyes-and-lowering-my-voice-to-a-rasp thing. Definite punch needed.

Elizabeth Hasselback. Seriously, who likes this girl? Does ANYONE think she is smart? Because anyone who does must be even stupider than she is and that's hard to achieve.

Kirstie Alley. I'm pretty sure she gained back all that weight because she was amazed that she got more attention for losing weight than she ever got for acting. And the attention would only continue if SHE continued to change sizes. So now she's up. And she'll go back down. And probably back up.

okkkkkk...tired now. Long week at work. This will be continued. And I would love input...

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