Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Apathy vs. Fear

Ok, here's the deal people: don't claim that you believe in something if you are unwilling to do a damn thing about it. Not registered to vote? Keep your mouth shut entirely! Hate the war in Iraq? What have you done to stop it? Believe in equal rights for all human beings? How can you prove it?

My priest back home once said, "you can tell what people value by what they spend their money and their time on." And it's entirely true. If you say you care about the environment, but haven't paid more money for energy efficient appliances, grocery tote bags, brita filters, etc, then you are a LIAR.

Which brings me to gay rights. Right now, I am working for the Human Rights Campaign and spending all day every day attempting to get people involved with our efforts. So often, people say they don't have a minute of time to talk about the issues or a dime to give. UNACCEPTABLE! I have MORE respect for the people on the opposition, screaming themselves ignorant at rallies against gay rights than for the apathetic people who pass right by with not an inclination to stop. Honestly. Whatever you believe, you are entitled. Fight for it! Fight for it with all you have.

The reason that SHIT like Proposition 8 happens is because the people who FEAR gay and lesbian civil rights put far more time and money into fighting against them than people who support them. Most people - gays and lesbians included - are actually totally apathetic to the issues. They figure we'll get there eventually. They maybe hope that we will. Or, at worst, they simply don't mind if it happens or not. GET A CLUE! This is too important not to care about!

Take a side! Take a stance! If you are against gay rights, you have my full support to fight against them. I hope you lose, honestly. But please fight. If you are FOR gay rights, FIGHT FOR THEM! Give your voice, your time, and YES your money to achieving equal rights for all. Stop being a dumbass who talks a good game and does nothing to actually support what you believe in. You are making me miserable and ruining all my faith in humanity. And you are causing the Right to win.

Give a minute
Give a dollar
Give a piece of your mind

1 comment:

  1. Completely right- people need to stand up for what they believe in. Time/money does not prevent you from doing SOMETHING- write a letter to the editor, sign a petition, SOMETHING.
