Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Now, everyone hates commercials so it's kind of dumb to complain about them. But it really irks me when commercials defy logic. How hard is it to make a 15 second thing logical?? I mean, really! You can't be logical for 15 seconds?

1. there's a security system commercial. I don't know exactly what brand. But a mom is playing outside with her daughter. A creepster peeks in on them. They go in the house and turn on the security system. The creepster comes in, hears the alarm, and leaves as the security guys call the house to see if everyone is ok.

So here are the major gaps in logic:
the creepster is much more likely to attack OUTSIDE. After all, there is a fence to hide his deeds from the neighbors. And it would be much easier to catch them off guard outside. If they own a gun, it's not going to be outside. Nor are the kitchen knives. Or telephones.
NO ONE turns on a security system when coming inside for a drink of water in the middle of the afternoon. People use them at night. Some people use them every time they are out of the house. But NO ONE hits that button every single time they walk in the door. That's dumb.
The dumbest thing to do if a creepster enters the house is run upstairs. You are trapping yourself.
NO ONE stops to enter the phone when they are in danger. They might pick it up to call 911. But if you are running away from a creepster, you don't stop to answer a PHONE.

2. The new Activia commerical. This woman sits down and complains about constipation. Her friend tells her to take Activia. She says her occassional irregularity is "not that serious" and says she doesn't need to take such drastic measures. The friend encourages her to try it because even occassional irregularity is a problem.

the gaps in logic:
ACTIVIA IS YOGURT. YOGURT. It is not a treatment option or a medicine. IT IS A YOGURT. So why portray it as a medicine? It's a yogurt with good bacteria. Yippy. The girl NOT WANTING to eat the yogurt because her condition is NOT THAT BAD makes it seem like this is an unpleasant thing and should only be taken IF you are irregular. Well. It is yogurt. It is yummy. And it happens to be good for your insides. Why not market it to people as a yummy, healthy food? Seems to me like that's a better idea.

and there are many others. but im too tired to rant any longer.

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