I got the cutest little baby kitten!! OMG! Now, I hate going to shelters because I can't stand to leave knowing all the precious little babies will die. I just want to take them all home! But I was smart this time - i looked at the cats online every day for a week and then...then...HE popped up. This precious little baby boy all gray and white with super long whiskers. I went to the shelter immediately and told them I wanted HIM and no one else. Even though all the other babies cried and pawed at me, I was strong. I left with HIM. The shelter named him Jene which is lame and I thought of changing it to Jean Valjean cuz that's the same but better. Ultimately, after much debate and discussion I settled on Mercutio. Tiny tiny 2lb, 2 month old Mercutio. My other cat hates him but they will be friends before too long.
Let me tell what is so amazing about having a tiny kitten in the house - he is SUPER cute, he rides around on my shoulder most of the time (we cook and wash dishes like that), and he sleeps on my neck. Every time I walk through a room, he's right under my feet. he loves me!
So yes now I have three babies and my house feels quite full. Bunny Todd is a 5 year old rabbit who is boring most of the time but occassionally be bathes or yawns and is super cute. Irina is a 4 year old cat with gorgeous green eyes and an opera star voice. And little Mercutio. *sigh* I love my children!
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